PictraMap is where you bring your travel memories to life – quick, easy and free.
We are here to help you wow your friends!
In April 2014 we founded PictraMap - an online tool for creating awesome travel animations. Our goal is to help you, fellow traveller, in sharing your amazing travel experiences with the world. We will continue to improve the PictraMap platform and we hope that you will join us for the ride!

Passion in life: traveling & helping others excel
Makes a living as: Marketing Consultant, Blogger, Freelance Mentor, Book author
Road not taken: astronaut, police officer, lawyer, professional violin player
Speaks: Bulgarian and English, some Spanish, a little bit of German, and almost no Greek
Favorite destinations: Spain, Greece, New Zealand
Destinations yet to visit: how about Australia & New Zealand? Now too looking forward to a few Caribbean islands
Loves most about traveling: The feeling of freedom. Unexpected friendships. So far, only traveling has managed to satisfy my endless curiosity in life.
Recent ah-ha traveling moment: Like-minded people get along as if they are life-long friends no matter location, nationality, origin, or social stereotypes.

Passion in life: figuring stuff out
Makes a living as: gaming content manager, soon-to-be an indie game developer
Road not taken: pilot (glasses), architect (laziness)
Speaks: Bulgarian, English, German and Spanish (in order of vocabulary)
Favorite destinations: Greece is almost perfect
Destinations yet to visit: looking forward to a few Caribbean islands
Loves most about traveling:
how you are forced to re-discover the ability to surprise yourself
Recent ah-ha traveling moment: ah-ha, so that’s why people don’t go to Berlin in winter.

Passion in life: having fun travelling!
Makes a living as: customer relations manager
Road not taken: becoming the forth blue bird in Angry Birds
Speaks: English, Bird
Favorite destinations: the Tropics
Destinations yet to visit: Madagascar
Loves most about traveling:
the chance to meet new birds
Recent ah-ha traveling moment: if I don’t wear any clothes, am I naked all the time?!
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We created PictraMap and started travel-blogging to help you explore the world on your own terms and share your experiences as you please. It's fairly new but we love being digital nomads and we want to go on this journey with YOU. Join us!
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